About Us

Welcome to Lazuli Vintage Watches,
your ultimate destination for exquisite vintage watches!

Founded by two passionate watch enthusiasts, our online shop offers a carefully curated collection of exclusive vintage watches that capture the essence of timeless elegance and craftsmanship. Our mission is simple: to make authentic vintage watches more accessible to everyone.

We believe that every watch has a unique story to tell. Our journey began with a shared fascination for the intricate mechanics and rich histories of vintage timepieces. We've spent countless hours scouring the world to handpick each watch, ensuring that it meets our high standards of authenticity, quality and beauty.

But we're not just sellers; we're collectors and storytellers. We appreciate the historical significance and artistry behind each vintage timepiece, and we're thrilled to share that passion with you. Whether you're new to the world of vintage watches or a seasoned collector, we welcome you to join our community of watch enthusiasts.

Our love for vintage watches drives us to continually update and expand our collection. Whether you're a collector or an individual looking for a one-of-a-kind statement piece, our diverse selection ensures there's a perfect match for every taste and style.

As fellow watch enthusiasts, we understand the joy and excitement of finding that perfect vintage watch. Our customers are our top priority. We believe in providing exceptional customer service and ensuring that our clients have the best possible experience with us. We’re here to assist you throughout your shopping journey, providing personalized guidance and answering any questions you may have.

Embark on a journey through Time with Lazuli, where the past meets the present, and every watch holds a piece of history. Discover the allure of vintage timepieces and let their stories enrich your own. Browse our exclusive collection, and we're confident you'll find a watch that speaks to your soul.

Welcome to our world of vintage watches.

I'm Lars, with roots in both Dutch and Swiss cultures. I studied Business Communications in Zurich, Switzerland. But let me take you back to the very beginning of how my fascination for vintage watches started. It all started when I was just 16 years old, and my father gave me my very first watch – an Omega Seamaster Aqua Terra Golf edition. Little did I know that this watch would ignite a lifelong passion in me.
Once that watch adorned my wrist, I became completely absorbed in the world of watches. Over time, I discovered my love for vintage watches, cherishing their unique stories and timeless charm.
During my exploration, I came across Jasper Lijfering from AVW. His engaging videos drew me in, and I eagerly followed his journey, diving even deeper into the vintage watch world. His inspiring content sparked my passion for vintage even more. I started exploring the watch world more thoroughly, buying and selling watches to fund my pursuit of even more remarkable vintage watches. With each trade, I gained a deeper understanding of vintage watches. Despite the dominance of technology in modern times, I still see tradition preserved within these mechanical watches.
I spent countless hours researching to understand the beauty of vintage watches. The more I delved into their stories, the more my passion grew. For me, vintage watches are timeless companions that I carry on my wrist.

I'm Nicolas, a graduate from HSG with a degree in business administration. While my academic background is in business, my heart beats for the captivating stories of the past.
Since I can remember, I've been drawn to all things vintage – from classic cars to retro clothing, but nothing captivates me quite like vintage watches. The history they carry on their dial and the craftsmanship have always held a special place in my heart.
My love affair with watches started when my grandfather handed me his Omega Seamaster, a gift he received on his 20th birthday in 1950 from his own father. Ever since that moment, this wristwatch has been my faithful companion, and whenever I wear it, I feel a sense of empowerment and connection to the past.
Growing up, I spent lots of hours listening to my grandparents' stories from different eras, and those tales ignited a passion for history within me. As I cherish this watch and ponder about the stories it could tell if it could speak, I realized that vintage watches are not merely accessories; they're gateways to the past. The stories they hold are a testament to the lives they've touched and the moments they've witnessed. The way they mark the passage of time, their design intricacies, and the tales woven into their existence fascinate me endlessly.